Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gale and the Girl

This story has moved to another site. Check it out: Gale and the Girl


  1. Oh gosh, what a cliffhanger! Now, I'm wondering - who's telling the truth - Cassandra? Or her dad? Hope there's a continuation to this...

  2. Love that! Hopefully you can quit your day job soon.

  3. Thanks to everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

  4. I'm really glad you commented on my own blog. I just read the story, and while I've never been a huge fan of short stories, this one is indicative of more I'd like to explore around your site and things to come. I liked the ghost story tease with a twist. And, you're a writer with a day job! That's exciting as I'm looking for people in the same boat as me. Keep on writing!

  5. So was she a ghost?

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    a request: could you make your comment link to this blog, That way, it is easier to get straight to your AZ post.I had to google your name to find you back.

    We co-hosts visit upto 150 blogs a day in order to ensure that the challenge is smooth for everyone, and every little thing that saves time helps.

  6. I'm not much for supernatural, in my head she wasn't. But I can see that now.


I love hearing what people think, please share!